Perkins Engines is a company that designs and manufactures diesel engines for a variety of applications, including industrial, agricultural, and marine uses. The two engine models you mentioned, the 4006-23 and 4008-30, are both part of the Perkins 4000 Series range of engines.
Here are some basic specifications for each engine:
Perkins 4006-23:
- 6 cylinders
- 23 liter displacement
- Power output ranging from 1060 kWm to 1550 kWm (1414 hp to 2079 hp)
- Prime power rated at 1500 RPM
Perkins 4008-30:
- 8 cylinders
- 30 liter displacement
- Power output ranging from 1200 kWm to 2000 kWm (1608 hp to 2682 hp)
- Prime power rated at 1500 RPM
If you need more specific information about the engines, you may be able to find it in the manuals you mentioned, the Perkins 4006-23 and 4008-30 manuals. These manuals contain detailed information about the engines, including specifications, maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting guides. You can usually obtain these manuals directly from Perkins Engines or from a Perkins dealer.
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